BSA Images Of The Week: 11.27.22

Welcome to BSA Images of the Week!
Hope you had a moment or two to be thankful this Thursday with family, friends, or your cat. New York days are ever shorter, and people are officially entered into the Holiday Vortex. Mariah Carey tirelessly lipsynched her jingle at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the tree (and some of the crowd) is going to be lit at Rockefeller Center Wednesday, a community center in Queens is getting ready for its Channuka Experience, HOSTOS in the Bronx has its annual Kwaanza Celebration Thursday, The Burrito Bar in Staten Island is getting ready for its Drag Brunch Bingo: Christmas ExDRAGvaganza, and Marlene at your corner beauty shop is running a deal on holiday marble nail manicures – which are the dope nails to have right now. “If you’re a fly gal, then get your nails done. Get a pedicure, get your hair did.”
Here’s our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring: Winston Tseng, Mike Makatron, Maker, MFK, Ollin, Slue, KEZ5, Big Ash, D30, 2Much, and Sekt.

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