Campus Theatre to reopen | Opinion

Thank you very much for recently highlighting the Campus Theatre on the front page of the Daily and Weekly Item.

As President of the Campus Theatre Board of Directors, I wanted to let your readers know that while our doors are currently closed to the public, we continue to be an active part of our vibrant community, working collaboratively to support our Halloween event, Lewisburg in Lights, and Live from Lewisburg.

I’m excited to report we will re-open in February to the Bucknell University film studies students again.

We do not take this step lightly and we have worked diligently to ensure this classic venue is as safe as possible. We have fully scrubbed our air-handling system and we’ve purchased a sanitizing sprayer that effectively removes the virus and other potential contaminants from every surface.

We look forward to employing these and other safety measures when we welcome the public back to the Theatre. In the meantime, we continue to offer films not available elsewhere through our website: In addition, our extremely popular “Movies at Moonlight” events will return when we can hold them safely.

Also, look for rental opportunities soon for small groups as this pandemic fog lifts.

When the time comes that you can safely walk back into our beautiful Theatre, you’ll find a new point of sale system, a new members’ entrance, and further improvements to our sound with newly installed acoustic panels — all with the aim of making your experience even better than before.

We greatly appreciate the continued loyalty and support of our valued members through this pandemic. It is member support that keeps us viable as an independent, non-profit organization.

And as always … we keep our marquee lit, because when the marquee is on, the town is open!

Susan Mathias,


Campus Theatre Board of Directors

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