Children’s Lessons for Advent Through Epiphany — A Sanctified Art

Children’s Lessons for Advent Through Epiphany — A Sanctified Art

Luke 1:26-45 | 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 | Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26

This week, we recognize what preceded Mary’s song of praise: news that was disorienting and bewildering, possibly threatening her life. Together, Mary and Elizabeth find courage and comfort in spite of their unusual circumstances. We, too, are called to carry, support, and encourage one another’s dreams. 

Read: Little People, Big Dreams: Corazon Aquino by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara, illustrated by Ginnie Hsu

Ask: Cory and Ninoy worked together to be good leaders for their people, but when Ninoy died, Cory still wasn’t alone—her whole country supported her. Who do you know you can rely on when things are hard? Who can you ask for help? How can you help other people, especially people who feel alone and scared?

Listen: “Mary got up and went quickly to a town in the mountains of Judea. She went to Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the unborn baby inside Elizabeth jumped. Then Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” –Luke 1:39-41, ICB

Say: As soon as Mary heard she was going to have a baby, she went to go see her cousin. And do you know what? Her cousin was going to have a baby, too! I think Mary wanted to be around someone who knew what she was going through. That’s always nice, isn’t it, when someone knows what you’re feeling? I hope that you know some people you can go to when you’re having big feelings so that they can help you like Elizabeth helped Mary.

Pray: Dear God, thank you for sending other people to help us when we are in trouble. Help me to be a good friend who helps others so that no one is ever alone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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