DC Belony a sculptor capturing movements
DC Belony (Didier Camille Belony) is a French artist who since the end of the 1990s, expresses himself through the practice of sculpture and drawing.
His works are inspired by movement: whether it is that of the interaction between rider and horse for Osmosis or golf for other works. One of them, Lys, became the official trophy of the Open Côtes d’Armor Bretagne for 10 years.

The eye of the viewer is invited to follow the outline of its clean lines. His sculptures with a sharp and light physiognomy are sometimes monumental. These are then exhibited in public spaces for the enjoyment of all.
What is your message with your work?
DC Belony: The most important to me is the capacity for wonder, a feeling that goes straight to the soul, I appeal to the insight of people. I like to mix or perfect the feminine and masculine poles, my works have a concept (beauty and provocation) a sharp physiognomy.
My sculptures have a manufactured appearance, yet I don’t believe in perfection, it’s unattainable, but I still feel a moral commitment to viewers, to allow them to participate in abstraction for as long as possible. I don’t want them to be distracted by something irrelevant, like a flaw.
What I want is for my work to orient viewers towards a celebration of themselves… to connect them with the essence of their own potentials.
Art can change your life and expand your settings. It can give that immensity to life.
This is one of the things that my art tries to make people understand.
DC Belony
What materials do you like to use?
DCB: I use polyester resin and glass fibers for the realization of my pieces, a material with which I have abolished the creative limits linked to the material used. The pieces are then transferred to durable material, bronze or aluminum.
Some of your works are intended for public space, can you present us your (or your) achievements particularly dear to your heart?
DCB: The piece “dear to my heart” is Transcendence. This kinetic work measures 6.20 meters. It evokes the idea of going beyond. It represents a woman in a takeoff phase, driven by the wind thanks to her wings. Its spiral-shaped dress gives it a spectacular ascension effect.

I feel an incredible force when I create my works: in my case, art helps me to exceed my limits. I hope that my creations will give the viewers an idea of the possibilities open to them for their own future, as it does for me.
Where can we see your works?
DCB: Transcendence is currently on display at the Château de Quintin in Brittany and soon in Geneva.

Lys, a 4.60 meter high work in a permanent version (aluminum) is visible in Nancy / Pulnoy, the 4.60 meter polyester resin model of Lily is currently on display at the Golf de Pléneuf Val André, for a purchase in a permanent version with a subscription to the Fondation du Patrimoine.
Arrow Of Pegasus, Sublimation, and Soul which will soon be on view at the Bettina Von Arnim Gallery in Paris 6th, in bronze version.
What are your current or future projects?
DCB: I am currently creating two pieces, one on the psychoanalytic concept of abreaction and the other on the Ego.