Galaxies Reverberation #1 and #2


“Galaxies Reverberation #1” [8th May 2022] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, drawing with charcoal (s) (m) (h) pencils with an underdrawing made of H, HB, 4B and 6B pencils, signed in black ink on A3 250g/m² mixed media paper, digitally edited artwork image  3756 x 2673 pixels.

This is a Galaxies doodle (image above), including galactic reverberation 📢.  This piece features Physics Lines, one continuous Geometric Line, accentuated charcoal galaxial-swirl lines, two seismic lines – top-right to lower-left, lower-right to mid-centre meeting first mid-seismic line, Michelangelo style. 

“Galaxies Reverberation
#2” [9th May 2022] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, drawing with charcoal (s) (m) (h) pencils, signed in black ink on A3 250g/m² mixed media paper, digitally edited artwork image  3715 x 2683 pixels.

This is a Galaxies drawing (image shown immediately above), including galactic reverberation 📢. This piece features accentuated charcoal galaxial-swirls with electronic coils and delineation cone-lines.

Can you hear the jazz?

Can you hear the soul?

This artwork is 100% Jean-Michel Basquiat inspired. If you turn this piece upside-down you will see a pure chance discernible face.

As a fan of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s immensely emotive work, it’s art HaPpInEsS to me whenever my own work has glimpses of his time-honoured style.

Please enjoy these ‘accentuated charcoal galaxial-swirls with electronic coils and delineation cone-lines’ artworks.


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