Geometric Lines #1 and #2


“Geometric Lines #1” [March 2021] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, drawing with blue and black ink pens, signed in blue ink on 135gsm A4 sketch pad, digitally edited image 3000 X 3383 pixels.

I made the two artworks shown on this blog page sometime ago, March 2021. The idea is to recreate the Picasso flowing style, in my own way. Even now as I look at these two drawings, I immediately think of Picasso cubist works.

Picasso loved unusual perspectives, unique compositions and without doubt.. beautiful flowing lines. Curves, geometric shapes and contrasts. Picasso enjoyed an arrangement order, with an almost mathematical feel to his works at times.

Geometric Lines #1 (shown above) is made in Picasso style.  Two continuous curved lines cover the entire page in snaking movements.  Blue and black shading fills some curve blocks.  Whimsical seismic lines appear within other random curve blocks.  There is a geometric, lifelike quality to the artwork. 

Please note this image includes a border due to the portrait ratio.

“Geometric Lines #2” [March 2021] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, drawing with blue and black ink pens, signed in blue ink on 135gsm A4 sketch pad, digitally edited image [slightly cropped] 3000 x 3523 pixels.

Geometric Lines #2 is also made in Picasso style.  A continuous curved line covers the entire page in snaking movements.  Blue and black shading and squirls fill some curve blocks.  There is a geometric, mathematical quality to the artwork. 

Please note this image includes a border due to the portrait ratio.

Interesting facts:

  • My two artworks on this page are the only two ‘Geometric Lines‘ works I liked. I tried making a few other Geometric pieces last March. They just didn’t have the quality of these two works.
  • There is a connection to climate change, natural resources, energy efficiency [electrical power], energy usage [consumption], atomic structure, cellular composition and micro-organisms within these pieces.


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