Going Deeper | Jacob Vinson | Episode 827


Jacob Vinson | Episode 827

Jacob Vinson originates from high desert plains of Wyoming, although he now calls Michigan home. Jacob has been working as a ceramic artist for over fifteen years and his fascination with the medium only continues to grow. In 2009 Jacob received his BFA from Utah State University, and in 2021 he received his MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Jacob’s studio practice primarily revolves around but is not limited to utilitarian craft and the material science that is clay.


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Can depth and checklists be mutually exclusive? Are they in conflict with each other?

No, I think it’s probably entirely situational. Progress can happen in all possible combinations of those two things, unfortunately. Because that just means chaos. But I think that’s sometimes the reality of it and people’s direction looks very different. So what my direction looks like may not be what it looks like for somebody else.

Does depth always require time? Like length of time?

I think my inclination is to say yes but I am sure that there is somebody out there that can prove me wrong. Unfortunately again that’s very open ended. Depth comes in many forms.

Has it meant time for you?

Yes, for me it has meant time. Absolutely.

How about speed. Does it require slowing down?

Sometimes. Sometimes I think it requires speeding up. Sometimes I am too slow. So I need to pick up the pace a little bit. But then sometimes I have the opposite problem too where maybe I am moving too quickly and I need to step away from things for a minute. The speed and the time maybe are not always directly related to each other.

Have you always been a person who has been more interested in the depth of something as opposed to just getting a checklist done?

Yeah, I think so. I think that a lot of artistic pursuits, creative pursuits are kind of like that. A lot of us know that we are not  probably going to strike it big or make a lot of money or be famous but the act of being creative makes us feel whole so it’s worth it. That’s the depth, that’s where we find depth I think.

What’s your favorite date night?

Usually pizza night. There’s so much great food in Michigan, especially in the Detroit area that finding the perfect pizza is something that we try and do together. So we have been to a bunch of different pizza places in the area. And right now I can say Grandma Bob’s pizza in downtown Detroit, that’s our number one.


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Mastering Hand building by Sunshine Cobb 


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