He Plays Banjo And He Pots! | Darren Jackson | Episode 847


Darren Jackson | Episode 847

Darren Jackson got a random postcard at his day job (K-6 general music) to attend Arrowmont. When Darren’s first choice was full, he ended up in hand building. After getting a wheel that fall, Darren hasn’t looked back! When Darren is not in mud, he’s on his front porch, picking his banjo!


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Does having some of your students on Instagram create challenges for you in how you present yourself on social media?

I don’t think so. I think it’s a good thing to know that you always have an audience. I think with social media, and this is a big rabbit hole we probably don’t need to go down through, it’s easy because we are not face to face so much of the time. On social media our inhibitions are down I guess and we can get in a comment war with people we would not say on a Facebook post with somebody.  So I think it ‘s a good thing to always know that we have an audience and that they are real people.

Why humor for kind of one of the bedrocks for your feed?

I just like to have a good time. I can be pretty serious too and I’ve recorded myself teaching, we have to do that to pass certification and what not, but when I watch back on the video I thought, Man, I sound like a jerk.  I think I am having a good time and being hilarious, Man, no wonder those kids hate me. I like to laugh and joke around. If you can’t do that then what’s the point.

How was your transition of selling on Etsy to selling on your website. Did you loose customers?

No, I don’t think so. I still keep my Etsy up to date during Black Friday and big events. I haven’t had a whole lot of online sales. Something I’m thinking about doing is announcing a shop update. I know a lot of other potters do that. I think when you lead up to it over a series of days people know it’s coming.

Do you find the reels tend to make more traction than the short videos?

I definitely think that Instagram is pushing the reels now and to buy into their algorithm  and do what they want you to do so to speak, I think that’s the thing. I have heard if you do thirty reels in thirty days that that will really help you take off.

What do you do when you are not in the studio and you are not playing the banjo?

Oh man, teaching kids, but other than that…that’s about it. That really fills up my calendar. I just got a 3D printer for Christmas so I have been implementing that into my pottery. Other than that it’s banjo, clay, and teaching kids.


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