Lavenders | The Unfathomable Artist
I made “Lavenders” within 50 minutes. Keeping the composition and drawing simple, yet beautiful on the canvas.
If you look very closely at the detail with a magnifying glass or zoom in on the artwork with a computer or smartphone, the pencil work looks superfine. I didn’t wish to add further detail to “Lavenders”. Primarily as the idea replicates dried flowers and plants pressings you see stored in horticultural books.
A dried pressings effect is exactly the way I wanted this artwork to look, having recently viewed same on social media.
Here is the photograph providing the inspiration:
The photograph is wonderful.
Another conceptualisation I like about “Lavenders” is this artwork could be wheat. Wheat, barley and maize, oh how I love these crops! Completely fascinated by their beauty and taste as a food. In likeness to how people delight at the scent of lavender.
If someone asked me to describe “Lavenders” in one word, I would say… delicious.