“Metamorphe” by Artists Jenni Pasanen & Reuben Wu


A stunning series exploring various transmutations of the Earth’s surface by artists Jenni Pasanen and Reuben Wu. “Metamorphe” consists of six formations recalling the senses Touch, Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, and Perception. Each gargantuan structure appears sublime and beyond emotion, as if building on elements of extinct beings or a subconscious memory of the planet’s bygone ecology.

The project emerged over the course of six months, with Pasanen and Wu working together remotely, passing iterations back and forth. Their goal was to create something entirely new using the medium of generative adversarial networks (GAN) combined with painting and photography. Some pieces were seeded from Pasanen’s AI/GAN creations, while others evolved from Wu’s drone lit photography — all refined and finessed intricately by hand:

“Humans are emotional beings, their decisions led by their feelings. A machine has no such constraints, enabling it to conceive what our minds could never be capable of on their own. This method spawns new unimaginable forms and takes us down undiscovered paths, leading to the creation of a new medium which unifies human creativity with machine learning.”

Check out the project on Foundation or have a look at more images from “Metamorphe” below!


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