Playing in the Mud
Stepping into the Arena
A friend who took my workshop many years ago, posted today that she hadn’t painted since, and wanted to. I recall how much she enjoyed herself and the wonderful results she got using my painting method. So I posted a reply, hoping to encourage her to take a step back into the arena:
Yep, its time to paint again, just to feel the paint move at the end of your brush. Wallow in the colorful mud, without expectation or intention. Then, once you realize how meaningless it can be, begin to revel in the shapes and colors you can create. Still, make no demands upon the results. In time, experiment with finding forms among the shapes and colors and begin to use the values of the colors to create form. Remove the pressure that it has to be something. Sometimes paint is just paint. And painting is just pleasure.

The PSOAE 2022
If you would like to find your way back into the arena of drawing and painting, you might want to get a copy of my book, The Power of Positive Painting, which provides a framework and direction so you can do so with intention, one tiny step at a time. The main point I want to make is that you just do it. There is no pressure to do it well. Just get into the arena and paint, with no purpose other than to be smearing colored mud onto a hapless canvas. Just make a mess. Play in the mud.
The post Playing in the Mud appeared first on Maniscalco Gallery.
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