St. Johns County supports Art in Public Spaces expansion

Renowned artist and county resident Susanne Schuenke, center, speaks in the rotunda of the St. Johns County Administration building during an opening reception for a show of her paintings in 2017.

Arts and culture make for a vibrant community for local residents and visitors alike and that’s why Christina Parrish Stone, executive director of the St. Johns Cultural Council, sees expansion of the Art in Public Spaces program as a coup.

County commissioners on Jan. 21 approved Stone’s proposal to increase funding for the program which provides public access to free visual and performing arts in St. Augustine and the surrounding areas.

The expenditure is for $5,000 for the year, and another $5,000 for events related to the 200th anniversary of the founding of St. Johns County, which will allow for stipends for artists and matching funds for grants the council has submitted to supplement that funding.

While the dollar amount is not great, Stone said, it goes a long way toward helping defray the costs of artists who present here, including arts exhibitions at the county’s governmental building (which were put on hold last year due to COVID-19), as well as marketing those events.