Tillberg Design of Sweden Signs LOI with China’s SDARI – Cruise Industry News

TDoS has signed a framework cooperation LOI with SDARI, China’s leading ship design house

Tillberg Design of Sweden (TDoS) has entered into a framework cooperation Letter of Intent with Shanghai Ship Design & Research Institute (SDARI), which a China-based ship design firm.

SDARI is part of China State Shipbuilding Corporation Group (CSSC), the largest shipyard globally after the merger of both CSSC and CSIC (China Shipbuilding Industrial Corporation) in late 2019.

The letter of intent was signed on Feb. 3 2021 and will cover cooperation in joint ship design projects for various types of vessels ranging from passenger cruise ships to modern-green river ferries.

This LOI provides a means for both companies to combine their strengths to provide customers with a valued experience proposition, according to a press release.

This joint collaboration will lift the design capabilities of ship designs in China and will create an added advantage for would-be shipowners refitting their ships and building new ones in China.

“This cooperation represents an important milestone for a long and successful relationship between CSSC group – SDARI and TDoS. And it provides a reliable support for TDoS’ growth strategy in the Chinese market. Our combined competencies and design capabilities will enable us to provide shipowners a ‘one-stop shop’ experience,” said Peter SS Tan, General Manager, Tillberg Design of Sweden (Asia).

“TDoS with a renowned name globally will facilitate close partnership of SDARI and TDoS as co-designers, will give full play to their respective advantages and carry out extensive cooperation in the art and interior design, marketing of cruise ships, high-end ROPAX and sightseeing ships, so as to promote the win-win development of both sides,” added Wang Gangyi, Chief Engineer of SDARI.

“In its current capacity, SDARI has a strong position to be a leading Chinese passenger ship design house. With TDoS’ design portfolio experience, we chose the best to cooperate in an exploding market. We see this joint cooperation as a means to move designs to a higher level in China. And that would give the Chinese cruise manufacturing an added-edge and assurance to shipowners as well,” noted Stefan R Nilsson, Group CEO of Tillberg Design of Sweden.