VFW Auxiliary to host two art contests

The VFW Auxiliary will host two upcoming art contests: “Illustrating America” and “Young America Patriotic Art.”
These are art contests that encourage students to show and highlight their ideas about America.
“Illustrating America” is open to all students in Massachusetts, including home-schooled students, in grades one through eight. It will be judged on patriotic themes and technique. This contest will consist of three grade divisions: first through second; third through fifth; and sixth through eighth. First-, second- and third-place prizes will be awarded in each of the three grade divisions as follows: First place, $75; second place, $50; third place, $25. Entries must be received by Kathy Young, local VFW Auxiliary president, by March 31.
Art must be 2D, on canvas or paper, done in watercolor, pencil, pastel, charcoal, tempera, crayon, acrylic, pen, ink, oil, marker or other media may be used. Submit canvas entries on stretcher frames or canvas boards. Other entries must be matted on white or reinforced with heavy paper. The art should be no smaller than 8-inches-by-10-inches but no larger than 18-inches-by-24-inches, not including mat. Coloring sheets, digital art and photography are not accepted.
“Young American Patriotic Art” contest is open to students in grades nine through 12 who are enrolled in a school or home study program in Massachusetts and are not any older than 18. First, second and third place will be awarded as follows: First place, $75; second place, $50; third place, $25. Entries must be received by Young by March 31.
Art entries may be 2D or 3D. 2D entries must be done on canvas or paper using watercolor, pencil, pastel, charcoal, tempera, crayon, acrylic, pen, ink oil, marker or other media may be used. The 2D pieces should not be framed. Canvas entries should be submitted on a stretcher frame or canvas board while other entries must be matted on white. It is recommended that heavy paper be used to reinforce the back of an entry which is matted. Mounted and floating boards may also be used. The art should be no smaller than 8-inches-by-10-inches but no larger than 18-inches-by-24-inches, not including mat. Three-dimensional art can be paper, papier-mache, pottery, metal work, fabric, wood or other. Pieces should be no larger than 18 inches in any direction and cannot weigh more than five pounds. Digital art, photography and jewelry are not acceptable. If an American Flag is used in the entry, it must conform to the Federal Flag Code as far as color, number of stars and stripes.
Any questions regarding the contests can be directed to the local school administrator or Young can be reached at 781-545-5995, email [email protected]. Entries can be mailed to P.O. Box 189, Scituate, MA, or dropped off at 17 Lantern Lane, Scituate, MA 02066. Information and application forms for “Illustrating America” can be found at https://vfwauxiliary.org/what-we-do/youth-activities. Information and application forms for “Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest” can be found at https://vfwauliliary.org. Click on “Scholarship,” choose “youth scholarship,” then click on the picture of the soldier saluting.