Virtual art tours from Shawnee’s MGMoA reach classrooms beyond Okla.

Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art in Shawnee becomes popular in virtual classrooms states away.

It looks like the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art has classrooms buzzing in Wisconsin and Illinois because of its virtual art tours.

The MGMoA was excited to see virtual art tour requests from two schools that were from beyond Oklahoma. The first request came from the state of Wisconsin from the Milwaukee Scholars Charter School requesting a virtual art tour over the MGMoA’s Native American collection. The students and teachers saw the various Native American artifacts and art pieces in the MGMoA gallery as Amber DuBoise-Shepherd explained the various uses of the objects from Oklahoma tribes. The manager of education, DuBoise-Shepherd is of Navajo, Sac & Fox, and Prairie Band Potawatomi descendent and enjoys teaching students about her culture and traditions.

“One comment I remember was from a young lady who told me that she would rock my Navajo regalia,” said DuBoise-Shepherd.