Watermark Art Center recently announced category winners for the young artists who participated in the 2022 High School and Middle School Shows.
The exhibits were on display in the Marley and Sandy Kaul Gallery and the Lakeview Gallery during the month of April and drew more than 1,100 visitors, many of whom cast their ballots for the High School People’s Choice Award. The Exhibit Committee selected winners from the High School Show based on eight categories, a release said.
The category winners for 2022 were Frank Brun in 3D Art, Kate Shadrick in Mixed Media, Mary Merschman in Drawing and People’s Choice Award Winner, Bethany Flansburg in Ceramics, Magnolia Mascia in Painting, Allie Lish in Photography, Seth Newby in Digital Art and Tanaya Stickney in Print Making.
Mary Merschman received the People’s Choice Award for her artwork during the 2022 High School and Middle School Shows at Watermark.
Photographs of the winning category art pieces can be viewed at