Nocturne Notes – Maria Marino
Nocturne Notes
Maria Marino
Summer Evening on Spa Creek, Annapolis
12 x 24″ Plein Air Pastel © Maria Marino
Maria Marino brings the vivid colors of her day-time landscapes into the night with her pastel nocturnes. See more of her work (both day and night) in our Voices of Experience article. We’ve asked some of our favorite artists to show us examples of their night time paintings and to tell us a little bit about their processes in this series of Nocturne Notes.
Marino shared with us these two examples of her exuberant, expressive pastel nocturne paintings. She told us that her goal is in “catching the mystery of that particular time of evening”
Evening Star 12 x 9″ Pastel © Maria Marino
“In the end, it is about getting the viewer to feel
rather than to understand, to explore rather than to examine,
and to love it rather than to pass it by.”
Maria Marino
In our fascination with how the eye sees and then translates the world around us to our brains, we have found it particularly interesting to study how the eye sees at night. Search for the words “Nocturnes” and “Vision” in the search bar to read many interesting articles about the science of seeing at night and the art of painting at night, or, download our book, Nocturnes – A Primer on Night Painting.
To see more of Maria Marino’s work, go to: Maria Marino Fine Art.
The pastel nocturne paintings of Maria Marino.
Copyright Hulsey Trusty Designs, L.L.C. (except where noted). All rights reserved.