The Personal, Timely, Relevant Marketing Framework

Janice K. Johnson

This post is by Clint Watson, former art gallery owner and founder of BoldBrush, known for FASO Artist Websites, the leading provider of professional artist websites, the $38,000+ BoldBrush Painting Competition and the free daily art marketing newsletter, FineArtViews. As a self-proclaimed “art fanatic”, Clint delights that BoldBrush’s downtown San Antonio, Texas office is full of original art, […]

How Church Painted the Icebergs

Janice K. Johnson

In 1859,  American artist Frederic Church (1826-1900) commissioned a schooner to take him on a plein-air painting expedition to “Iceberg Alley,” a dangerous region surrounding Newfoundland and Labrador.  Church produced an impressive set of oil studies from observation to provide the raw material for his big studio painting of The […]

In ‘Gothic Futurism,’ Hundreds of Rammellzee’s Works Populate a Mythic, Intergalactic Universe — Colossal

Janice K. Johnson

 Art #assemblage #graffiti #painting #Rammellzee #sculpture December 12, 2022 Grace Ebert All images installation view, Rammellzee: Gothic Futurism, Jeffrey Deitch, Los Angeles, (2022-2023), by Josh White, courtesy of the gallery At Jeffrey Deitch in Los Angeles, dozens of spacecraft constructed from skateboards, salvaged plastics, and scrap materials descend from […]